
10 Night Wild Lands of Scotland the Faroe Islands and Iceland

From Glasgow to Reykjavik

Le Bellot

Ponant Cruises
4 Stars
  • Cruise #: 9446407
  • Departs: Fri, Jul 11, 2025
  • Returns: Mon, Jul 21, 2025
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    *Prices are per person based on double occupancy
    Oceanview $11,330
    Balcony $10,240
    Suite $17,380
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    Itinerary Summary

    Day by Day Details

    Cruise Segment of Itinerary

    Friday - Jul 11, 2025
    Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Depart: 7:00 pm
    In the heart of the Clyde Valley, the bustling city of Glasgow contrasts starkly with the wild beauty of the surrounding countryside. Scotland's biggest city overflows with landmarks from its extensive artistic heritage and outstanding architectural tradition. The city's checkerboard layout makes walking through the major pedestrian thoroughfares easy: go with the flow and let the lively street atmosphere take you past the many Victorian monuments. Don't miss the collections on display in the numerous museums and art galleries. The Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum is an outstanding example. ...
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    Saturday - Jul 12, 2025
    Belfast, United Kingdom
    • Belfast, United Kingdom
    The capital city of Northern Ireland is located on the very tip of Belfast Lough, in the north-east of the Emerald Isle. Along the waterfront, the building shaped like a fragmented liner is non other than the Titanic Belfast, a homage to the famous transatlantic liner, with full-scale reconstructions making for an insightful experience of the Belle Epoque. In the historical centre, you'll also travel back in time when you see the majestic Edwardian columns of the City Hall and the imposing Neo-Gothic towers of Queen's University for example. The carved wooden facades of the Victorian pubs will certainly entice you in for a pint of beer or chilled cider. ...
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    Sunday - Jul 13, 2025
    • Cruising Loch Linnhe
    Loch Linnhe is located in the Scottish Highlands, stretching between the Isle of Mull and Fort William. Sail in the heart of picturesque landscapes and admire the formations of the magnificent mountains and valleys surrounding the loch, including the famous Ben Nevis. The pure waters of Loch Linnhe are teeming with marine life; harbor seals may be found among its faithful inhabitants. ...
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    • Fort William, Scotland
    A port town on the eastern shore of Loch Linnhe, Fort William is sometimes described as the "Outdoor Capital of the UK". Because it sits at the base of Ben Nevis, the highest peak in the British Isles, and is in close proximity to the dramatic landscape of Glencoe, it is a popular destination for hikers and rock climbers. For those looking for a less adventurous experience, the nearby Ben Nevis Distillery offers tours and tastings, and Old Fort and Old Inverlochy Castle are interesting historical sites. ...
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    Monday - Jul 14, 2025
    Stornoway, Scotland
    • Stornoway, Scotland
    Discover Lewis, the largest island of the Hebrides, considered to be the cradle of Gaelic culture. Here, the peat- and heather-covered valleys and lochs stretch on to infinity, and numerous bird colonies have taken up residence in the long jagged coastlines where. Not far from Stornoway, the island's main town built by the Vikings in the 9th century, stands one of Scotland's most prominent prehistoric sites: the Standing Stones of Callanish. Dating back to more than 3,000 years BC, these imposing stones placed in a cruciform pattern were laid out according to the moon and stars and their main purpose was to keep track of seasonal cycles, as this was essential for farmers at the time. ...
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    Tuesday - Jul 15, 2025
    Suduroy, Faroe Islands
    • Suduroy, Faroe Islands
    Suduroy Island, literally "South Island", has one of the smallest populations in the Faroe Islands. It has sheer cliffs along its western face. The island is an important breeding ground for seabirds, including northern fulmars, black-legged kittiwakes, Atlantic puffins, and guillemots. Your expedition team will guide you as you discover the island, its authentic villages with black, tarred-wood churches typical of the Faroe Islands, and its hiking trails lined with peat fields and stone sheepfolds. Sheep are indeed omnipresent throughout the Faroe Islands - in fact, there are more sheep than humans - and they add to the charm of these wild landscapes. ...
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    Wednesday - Jul 16, 2025
    • Streymoy, Faroe Islands, Denmark
    Streymoy Island is the largest and most populated of the Faroe Islands, with 22,500 inhabitants. Lying between Scotland and Iceland, the 18-island Danish archipelago boasts natural wonders that will fascinate lovers of the great outdoors. Here, the hilly green landscapes stand in contrast with the huge basalt cliffs and the invigorating air shifts with the moods of the ocean. To the north, the small village of Saksun, with its traditional grass-covered rooftops, has 14 inhabitants. In the curve of a magnificent natural amphitheatre, it overlooks a fjord with a lagoon: an idyllic setting in a secluded and peaceful environment. To the west, in Vestmanna, myriad birds nest in the crags along the eroded and vertiginous cliff faces. ...
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    • Traelanipa, Faroe Islands
    • Tindholmur, Faroe Islands
    • Vestmannabjorgini, Faroe Islands
    The Faroe Islands, an archipelago formed by volcanic rock, reveal an incredible diversity of reliefs where the sea is ubiquitous: you'll sail past stone pinnacles and unique coastlines. To the west of the island of Vagar stand Tindholmur and Drangarnir, rocky outcrops that marine erosion have detached from the coast, thus forming independent islets known as stacks. The impressive Traelanipa cliff, also known as Slave Mountain, stands 142 meters (466 feet) high. It overlooks the superb Lake Sorvagsvatn. Located 30 meters (98 feet) above sea level, this is the archipelago's largest lake. On the island of Streymoy, you'll be able to spot guillemots, screeching fulmars, or penguins, nesting in the welcoming crevices of the Vestmanna cliffs. ...
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    Thursday - Jul 17, 2025
    • Streymoy, Faroe Islands, Denmark
    Streymoy Island is the largest and most populated of the Faroe Islands, with 22,500 inhabitants. Lying between Scotland and Iceland, the 18-island Danish archipelago boasts natural wonders that will fascinate lovers of the great outdoors. Here, the hilly green landscapes stand in contrast with the huge basalt cliffs and the invigorating air shifts with the moods of the ocean. To the north, the small village of Saksun, with its traditional grass-covered rooftops, has 14 inhabitants. In the curve of a magnificent natural amphitheatre, it overlooks a fjord with a lagoon: an idyllic setting in a secluded and peaceful environment. To the west, in Vestmanna, myriad birds nest in the crags along the eroded and vertiginous cliff faces. ...
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    Friday - Jul 18, 2025
    Djupivogur, Iceland
    • Djupivogur, Iceland
    Djupivogur is a small town and municipality located on a peninsula in the Austurland region in eastern Iceland. The coastline consists of three magnificent fjords, Berufjordur, Hamarsfjordur, and Alftafjordur which create a striking landscape to explore. On land, the town is shadowed by Bulandstindur, a pyramid-shaped basalt mountain peaking at 1069 m, making for an incredible sight. Numerous local legends surround this mountain, which is said to grant wishes during the summer solstice. ...
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    Saturday - Jul 19, 2025
    Heimaey, Iceland
    • Heimaey, Iceland
    This land seated off the southern coast of Iceland is the largest of the Westman Islands, and is the only inhabited island in the archipelago. The steep Eldfell volcanoes and the green prairies of Herjolfsdalur offer rich contrast of nature. On the Storhofdi road, look out over grey sand beaches and cliffs carved out by the Arctic ocean. From here, you can also see the bronze landscapes of the mountaintops. You could visit Eldheimar, an ultra-modern and interactive museum which traces the volcanic eruption Heimaey has experienced in 1973. ...
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    • Surtsey, Iceland
    A small drop of basalt in the North Atlantic Ocean, Surtsey is a volcanic island formed by a submarine volcanic activity that lasted from 1963 to 1967, off the Westman Islands to the south of Iceland. The island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. To protect its virgin ecosystem against human presence, it is forbidden to land there. Only a few scientists have access to Surtsey to study the plant and animal colonization of the island. Mosses, fungi, and lichens were followed by vascular plants. Around 300 invertebrate species and 90 bird species have gradually colonized it. While sailing around Surtsey, you will enjoy a unique panorama of this extraordinary island's contours. ...
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    Sunday - Jul 20, 2025
    Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Reykjavik, Iceland
    Iceland's capital stretches along the edge of a vast bay in the west of the country. Perlan, the "Pearl of Reykjavik", a museum located on Oskjuhlid hill, offers a panoramic view of the lush green landscapes. A little further, one can easily spot the signpost showing the way to the evangelical Hallgrimskirkja church, and to the historical centre where one can stroll along the Skolavordustigur and the Laugavegur, two lively streets with charming small shops. For some relaxation just outside of the city, visitors have the opportunity to visit the Reykjanes peninsula and its famous thermal lagoons of the Blue Lagoon. ...
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    Monday - Jul 21, 2025
    Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Reykjavik, Iceland

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